In the past few days in India three girls were found dead at the bottom of a well after being sexually assaulted and missing for two days. The mother, outraged has now asked for the men that will be convicted of the crime to be publicly hanged for what they did to her young girls. Currently four men are being investigated but they have made no arrests yet. This is not the first act of sexual violence we have seen in the past few months in India, earlier this year there was a gang rape in New Delhi of a 23 year old man and there have been many stories lately of how women in India are not treated right, and how the life of an Indian woman is.
Lately in India there has been so much violence and most of it towards women, most of the violent crime stories I have been reading about lately have been about women being sexually assaulted and which has mostly been ending in death and I think the majority of the problem is that there is not enough respect for the women down there and what the women do. I just don’t think they think about what life would be like if the women didn’t do what they always do. The men down there are not considerate of what all they do and what all women do, their respect for women is just very low. I think that the women don’t there should stand up for themselves against all men that don’t appreciate all of the things they do. They need to respect them, these horrible sexual assault crimes should not be happening as much as they do, they need to know that what they are doing is not okay and hopefully these sexual assault crimes and violent crimes against women will not be as large and they will stop disrespecting women so much. (321)
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