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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Protests in Spain

Right now in Spain all you will be able to hear is the chants and screams of angry people. in the past few weeks their economy has fallen and they are now in a crisis and all they have is each other. They have all come together to fight and get their economy back to the way it was. Many of Spain’s people are losing their jobs and most likely their houses, so they all came together to fight for it back, they are all protesting to get their lives back together, and united I bet my bottom dollar that these people can do it.
                I think that personally it is incredibly how horrible things can bring so many people together, I think that it is horrible that something bad has to happen to bring them all together but in the end something beautiful comes from something so tragic, they become united, they become one again, willing to fight for one another to become one strong whole to fight for what they all believe in, its kind of beautiful isn’t it? You may not see it now but later when you look back and see that they did this together, you will see that it was a great thing. As long as nothing violent happens, this could be a miracle and it could actually work. Violence will never solve problems, especially those with the government, because in the end they will also fight back with violence if they have to. This does not have to turn into that though, this could really work if all of these people work together and take nonviolent actions, it is just as effective and can show some level of maturity and poise. The more they stick together in a nonviolent way the better off they will be and maybe, just maybe they will be able to get their economy back to the way it used to be. (323)

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