Recently Russian officials have accused an American woman of beating her 3 year old Russian adopted child when he tragically passed away on January 21. The woman and her husband were both accused of physical abuse and neglect of their 3 year old son Max. This caused so much attention that the Russian President signed a law to ban on all adoptions by Americans. The Russians have said that we do not believe this death is a tragedy saying that our congressmen and Politian’s have not showed any interest in this young child’s death. I personally believe that this is a tragedy and that any child’s death is a tragedy, considering they have barely lived! It just breaks my heart to hear that this young child suffered and died. I am so glad that they are investigating this case and that they find the person who inflicted the pain on the child and I do not blame Russia for signing a law to ban us from adopting Russian children, although the US is taking its normal precautions and investigations is it enough? And why isn’t the death of a child more important than other things? Personally I think that this should be thoroughly investigated and it breaks my heart that there is absolutely no way for anyone to adopt a child from Russia now, because the adoption agency didn’t think that these people would end up being abusive. I think that this should bring to our attention how “thorough” the adoption agencies are being when they allow certain parents to adopt, because I guarantee that they could find so many great people who would love to adopt one of those kids and it is a tragedy that someone’s horrible actions and selfish ways has ruined someone’s dreams of being a parent one day. (303)
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