In India there have been laws passed about child labor laws since 2010 that children between the ages of 6 and 14 should be in school and are not allowed to be working but that has not been the case according to UNICEF. They have found that many of these children that are banned from working are actually working instead of going to school. Some of these jobs include dangerous tasks like mining as well. They found that the children that are going down into the mines are not wearing any of the proper gear either; they are going down with no helmets or boots, just pajama pants, shoes with no soles and flashlights. They are also working in little shops, farms and even kitchens all over India, it’s safe to say that they are not enforcing the child labor laws or even following them. Which in my opinion, is completely outrageous! Those rules are set to keep those kids safe they should be learning not working in mines where they could be killed! Do they honestly want their children going down into a dark hole never knowing if they are going to come back up? I wouldn’t! No matter how tight money may be you do not need to be sending your children to their death just to pick up a couple bucks, and why isn’t their education a more important subject? They should be learning so they can get better jobs not cooking in a kitchen or getting up at the crack of dawn to do work on a farm, why doesn’t it seem like a big deal? Why are they not following the rules of child labor laws? Do they really need that much help that they are willing to deprive a child of their education? If that is true what kind of world are we living in today where money comes before our children? (318)
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