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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Saudi Arabia Update

After much controversy in Saudi Arabia over the 70 year old man and 15 year old girl being wed they were finally granted a divorce today. They had been much turmoil between the 70 year old man and his 15 year old bride, so much that it made her run away, back to her family. After receiving so much hate for marrying a 15 year old girl, the 70 year old man claimed that the girl’s family told him that she was 25 year old not 15. The man was also upset that he had paid a 20,000 dollar dowry for her also.
                After hearing this news, I was so happy. I had written about this before and how much it upset me because she was so young and because he was so old. Even Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Commission commented on the matter “The large age difference makes it seem like it was not a marriage and more like the girl was sold” they also said that the parents should be held responsible for this. I completely agree with them, although I am very glad that they are getting a divorce so now she can live her life as a normal teenage girl, her parents pretty much sold her to an angry, grieving man. This marriage should not have happened in the first place, she was only 15, not even a legal adult, I know that in some countries that may be tradition or may not be against the law but that does not justify it in any way. I believe that her parents should be getting some of this bad press and be held responsible in the courts eye anyway, than the man that married her. I think that he was an idiot and shouldn’t have married her because you can tell the difference between 15 and a 25 year old, that was just a poor excuse but I also think that her parents should be getting some sort of bad press for letting it be done in the first place. This marriage was a mistake from the beginning  and should have never happened. (356)

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