Recently in New Delhi a 23 year old woman was gang raped by multiple men and murdered, these men have been brought up on multiple charges these include rape, murder and kidnapping. The people of India are outraged at these crimes, they have been protesting for women’s rights and are questioning whether their justice system is taking care of sexual assaults and the treatment of women in India, some lawyers are refusing to represent the men that did these hate crimes. I think personally that they are in the right to protest their rights; this woman was murdered and raped because the lack of respect men have for the women in India. Rape happens in other countries but the fact that many people are protesting because of what happen may be a sign that India isn’t taking care of sexual assault crimes the way that they should. The fact that some lawyers are refusing to represent the men that committed this crime because they are so disgusted with them means something, lawyers deal with horrible criminals every day, and they are refusing to represent these men. I think that the women in India should keep standing up for their rights so that crimes like this do not happen as much. (210)
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