After the New Delhi gang rape, the victim’s father has come out to saying that India has to change in order for the horrible things to stop and thinks that India needs to be “Awakened”. "Society can no longer turn a blind eye to these sorts of incidents, which are happening every day," the woman's father told the British television network ITV. "We have to change ourselves. If there are no changes, then these horrible things won't stop. The public has to wake up now." His daughter was studying to be a physiotherapist and was said to have an internship beginning later this month.
I agree with everything that her father is saying, this needs to wake up India and help them realize that if they turn away from the situation, and try to move on and forget it, nothing is going to change and these horrible crimes will not stop. This girl was innocent, was simply coming home from a long day when 5 men kidnapped her and raped her, leaving her for dead. I think that part of the reason why this is all happening is possibly because of the lack of respect for women in India. They do not respect them as much as they should, they still live in traditional ancient times that don’t really allow women to do what they are capable of, they most likely still stay at home and take care of the kids when they could be out working and helping pay the bills, women are capable of just as many things as men are, and it is time for society to see that. I think that this girl’s father put it in perfect words that India needs an “awakening” so that horrible things like this don’t happen again or at least not as often. These crimes against women need to stop. (310)
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