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Monday, May 6, 2013

Opening Our Eyes to Different Views

                Recently in the news all I am reading about is violence and violent acts that end in tragic death or horrible injury, mostly dealing with religion or political views and to be honest I am just getting sick of it. I don’t want to hear about these people who are getting killed, innocent people because of what they believe in or because of their ethnicity or political beliefs. Not to mention all the talk of poor countries and horrible economies, the only economy I know is doing extremely well right now is China, because they make everything. Then other countries, the US included wonder why there is no money because we spend it on stupid stuff, or on wars that wouldn’t be necessary if everyone would back off each other for a while and stop worrying about how the person in a different country sees God.    
                The last happy blog I wrote about was about a new project in Africa, getting the children out of the slums and that was more than a month ago and I am pretty sure that it was the only nice blog I wrote as well. I would love to write more about these amazing projects across the world that get children out of the slums and makes their future and the future of others, brighter. I am just afraid that if the world does not start opening up their eyes to different views that we will all end up destroying one another trying to be number one or taking down your biggest enemy. It sounds so cliché to talk about world peace but if we don’t start getting along soon what is going to happen to everyone? My guess is that we will be no more if they don’t start coming to terms soon. We all need to open our eyes to different views maybe not accept them but be more open to others ideas and beliefs. (324)

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