It is sad to think that even after 68 years there are still Neo-Nazis out in this world and that even after killing millions of Jewish people they are still out massacring anti-immigrants in Germany. A woman in Germany is accused and going to trial for killing many anti-immigrant people in Germany, 10 people specifically, a policewoman, 8 Turkish men and one Greek. She and four other men are being tried, most likely in some kind of terrorist group in Germany still running and believing in the Nazis. They are accused of two different bombings that went on in Germany.
When I first read this article it just angered me. It angers me to think that there are still people out there that are Nazis, not to mention that they are killing and bombing as well. Are you kidding me? You lost the goddamn war now get over it. What you are doing is so WRONG! You do not have the right to kill anyone from any kind of religion or whatever kind of ethnicity you are. You do not get to play God. You would think that after 68 years people would open up their freaking eyes and stop doing this, stop killing innocent people because of who they were born to be or what they believe in. I am so sick of hearing stories about violence but I really thought by now people would get their head out of their butt and realize that what they are doing is not okay, especially after you lost the war and were dominated by Super Power. Grow the heck up, you are not better that the people you are killing and by killing them you automatically become worse than that person. I hope that all of these people accused go away for a long time, preferably for the rest of their life for doing bombing people that they think they are better than. Grow up. (324)
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