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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Canadian Gang Rape Victim Passes Away

                Recently in Canada a 17 year old girl named Rehtaeh Parsons died after being taken off life support 3 days after attempting to hang herself. Rehteah tried to hang herself because previously in 2011 four young boys decided to gang rape her then take a picture of them having sex and send it to several of her classmates. She was under much scrutiny and ridicule for the past few years which contributed to her death. This has affected Canada so much that even the prime minister has become involved and made an appearance at her funeral. He himself has a teenage daughter and could not imagine the pain the family is enduring at this moment.
                When I first read this article I was completely outraged. This girls life was ruined by four jerks that thought it would be a good time. I am incredibly upset that the police were not as involved as they should have been and the fact that none of the boys had any type of criminal charge for the affair even though it was documented. It just completely baffles me that this type of bullying even occurs. They took away this sweet, animal loving girls innocence away from her and then made her life so incredibly miserable that she wanted to end her life. That is just incredibly sick to me and makes my stomach turn. What also shocks me is that she even received any ridicule for these pictures! She was forced to do those things, and a horrible crime was committed AGAINST her so why in the world would ANYONE make fun of her! I literally cannot wrap my head around it, why wouldn’t anyone stand up for her against something that was committed AGAINST her not committed by her! I can guarantee that she did not want to lose her virginity that way. It honestly sickens me that anyone would rape someone if the first place but the fact that people made fun of her for being raped and had few people stand up for just angers me to absolutely no end. This girl did not deserve any of this and in no way should she have ever been ridiculed to want to end her life. (373)

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