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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Twitter Buzz

Okay so today we are going to be talking about the newest social media site that everyone has become obsessed with. Yes this post is going to be about twitter. What is so great about this site? Why is it so incredibly popular now? I don’t have the answer to the second question but the first one is because it’s so much fun! Not to mention it is super addicting! It is so nice to get on twitter and follow whoever you want and see what they are up to constantly, even though that makes you kind of sound like a complete stalker, it’s still fun! I’m also not the only one who does it so it’s ok.
                I first got a twitter when I was in 8th grade when almost no one had one. When I first got it, I said what almost everyone else says when they get it, this is stupid, why did I just get this account? When you are just starting out on twitter, it is super confusing and you ask yourself why the heck am I following this random chick named Jenna Marbles or itweetfacts? Then you keep going back on and you become obsessed with what these people are constantly doing or what interesting facts they are tweeting about. When I first got twitter I was on it for about 5 minutes, then the more I kept getting on it the more I just couldn’t get away from it! On twitter you can be whoever you want to be and follow whoever you want! If you have a twitter that your kind of embarrassed about my suggestion is don’t use your first and last name and don’t use your actual picture of yourself. You can also get another account with your first and last name that you are okay with everyone in the entire school seeing it. Which brings me to a precaution about twitter and pretty much the entire internet period, don’t post anything on twitter that you don’t want your classmates or friends to see! People will be talking about it because almost everyone has a twitter now a days.
                If you don’t have a twitter my advice is to try it! Trust me, everyone has said that twitter is stupid because to be honest with you twitter is kind of stupid and I have absolutely no idea why the heck I am so obsessed with it but if you try it I can almost guarantee that you will be almost as much in love with it as I am or more. If you’re not, that’s okay, just delete the account or never go on it! No one cares but at least try it! You cannot knock it until you try it. I know you think it is probably a dumb idea but let me ask you, did you think the same thing about facebook? When I was younger I never wanted to get a facebook either but I did and I still check mine, not as much as twitter but still. Okay so the morale of this story is get a twitter, it is awesome. You will end up loving it forever. (532)

1 comment:

  1. I picked this post to read because I am one of those people (the few, the proud) that doesn't yet have a twitter! I just don't get why people want to/need to post so many details about their life or just random thoughts. WHY!???!?! Does it make the tweeter feel more connected to the world?
    I'd like to read more about it. What would convince me to get one? What's good about having it? Do you think if I had an AP Lang twitter anyone would follow it? (Or would that just lame-up the twittersphere right quick?) :)
