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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tunnel Collapse in Japan

On Sunday December 2, 2012 a tunnel in Japan collapsed on many cars, starting a huge fire and killing at least three people and seven of them are missing. It took the firemen three hours to put out the fire and rescue as many people as they could. This is not the first time a tunnel has collapsed in Japan, the first incident was in 1996 killing around 20 people. Japan needs to take action and make better structures for their tunnels, if this has happened before, they are obviously not sturdy enough and yes this may happen in other places but this cannot happen twice within a span of less than 20 years. The architecture of these tunnels may not be strong enough for them to hold and this is why they keep collapsing. Another reason would be the placement of the tunnels, if they are not in a place that can easily be secured then they shouldn’t be there in the first place. The collapsing of these tunnels is causing too many unnecessary deaths that could be prevented with secure architecture. These tunnels may have been unsecure because of natural disasters but should have been checked before they started using them again.  This is in no way anyone’s fault but because this is not the first time this has ever happened they should start making precautions when it comes to some of their structures so it does not cause any more unnecessary deaths. Before they start building they should make sure where they are building is a safe place to build. They should also make sure that the structure is very sturdy when before they let anyone drive underneath it. If the area is not safe for people to be driving, even though it may be faster, it should be left alone. I think I would rather take the extra 15 minutes to get somewhere then risk my life going under an unsafe tunnel. (327)

Abortion in Ireland

Recently in Ireland a woman by the name of Praveen Halappanavar passed away from a blood infection after her unborn child had died in her womb after pleading with doctors in Ireland to abort the baby while she was alive but in a lot of pain, because of the extreme Catholic community in Ireland they refused to abort her child and now that she has passed her husband is trying to take legal action to make sure this does not happen to anyone else again. Because of this Irish parliament is debating whether to legalize abortion in Ireland or not. This situation could have been prevented, this woman did not have to die, she was in a lot of pain when the doctors refused to give her an abortion, it is not the doctors or the hospitals fault because of the strict rules but in the end this woman did not have to die. I understand that Ireland is a very strict Catholic community but when the use of abortion can save a woman’s life without killing two lives, I don’t think that it’s a bad idea to legalize abortion. This does not mean that they should legalize it for everyone but I believe that in extreme medical situations it would not be that bad if they were to abort the child. They should legalize abortion in life or death situations or if a woman can not physically carry a child. Some Catholics will be angry about it in the end and they will try to justify the woman’s death but in reality this woman could probably still be alive today if they allowed her to abort the child. There may be some backlash from the legalization but they can legalize abortion without making it available to every woman in Ireland. In the end aborting this baby could have save 1 life instead of killing 2. (317)

HIV and AIDS Spreading to China?

In the past year China has seen a rapid increase of cases of HIV and AIDs, it has skyrocketed 8.6 percent causing around 17,740 deaths this past year. Chinese Vice Premier  Li Keqiang has been personally affected by this epidemic, his wife Peng Liyuan was diagnosed with AIDS this year and they are now awaiting the results of their child’s test results for HIV right now. They believe that she caught this by giving blood in 1997 because her school encouraged her to give blood, well now she is paying the price. This is a great example of how the use of needles and other medical utensils need to be better taken care of, in order to not cause disease. This woman was encouraged by her elders to give blood and now her and possibly her child are living with diseases that were completely preventable. Needles cannot be reused and never should be, because of this she is now suffering. The United States had a similar epidemic in the 70s and I think that China should be taking a few lessons. They need to carefully dispose of every needle that they use so none of them get reused. They also need to make it mandatory for everyone, especially those that have given blood to get tested so they can stop the spread of this life threatening disease. They also need to go in to some or most of the hospitals to make sure they are disposing of these items properly, you have to start with the source of where the disease is coming from. They should start to spread the awareness of the disease to everyone but especially children so they do not have to repeat history, they need to go to the schools and inform students that this is easily preventable and that they do not have to go through the same thing their parents may be experiencing right now. Overall they need to try to control the epidemic by making sure all medical facilities are taking all precautions and are being clean and they need to inform everyone about it today. (353)