Remember when you were in Elementary School and your biggest worry was whether you had gym class or music class for today? When you had naptime and recess every single day? Those were the good days. Now you have to worry whether you got all of your homework done last night after you had to go to work, soccer practice and Spanish club.
When we were little we thought it would be so much better if we were older, because being older was so cool. They could drive and their homework wasn’t that much harder than the stuff you were doing right now because you had no idea, and they always seemed to be with their friends all the time! It sounded like the life when you are 6 years old when you thought it was a horrible thing to be forced to sleep and draw all day after you had played with your friends outside for a half hour. Now looking back I wonder why I didn’t sleep when it was naptime and wish I could go back right now and have naptime during the school day. I also wish I could just spend a whole day coloring, that would be the best day at school. Ever. Not having to worry about anything but getting inside the lines. But now that I am 17, its time to grow up, yes it is scary to think about but I have to do it sometime, it’s bound to happen, becoming an adult. It’s scary to think that in less than a year, I will be a legal adult, being able to vote and live on my own. YIKES. That is a frightening thought. If you are anything like me you are worrying about all this college stuff and how in a couple years you will be on your own. Also if you are anything like me, it’s beyond worrying it’s freaking out. Well all I can say is that you are not alone and I do not want to grow up either, but we have to face it sometime, it’s coming. My suggestion is to start looking and researching what colleges you would like to go to now and start planning your college visits now, I personally already have a list of colleges in order. My best suggestion is to start getting organized now and don’t hold off just because you don’t want to grow up, trust me I don’t want to either, it’s scary but it is coming and it is coming fast.